SALE Add to Wish list + Add to Cart NIER:AUTOMATA PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE 2B (YORHA NO. 2 TYPE B) DELUXE VER. £175.99 £81.48 YoRHa No. 2 Type B, also known as 2B, from NieR:Automata has now joined the PLAY ARTS KAI action figure line! + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
PRE-ORDER Add to Wish list Pre-Order Now FINAL FANTASY XIII PLAY ARTS SHIN Action Figure - LIGHTNING £179.99 Lightning - former Sergeant from the Cocoon Sanctum Guardian Corps in FINAL FANTASY XIII - will be joining the PLAY ARTS SHIN series! Pre-Order Now Add to Wish List
PRE-ORDER Add to Wish list Pre-Order Now FINAL FANTASY XV PLAY ARTS SHIN Action Figure - NOCTIS LUCIS CAELUM £179.99 Noctis Lucis Caelum—the protagonist of FINAL FANTASY XV and the legitimate heir to the throne of Lucis—appears in the PLAY ARTS SHIN series! Pre-Order Now Add to Wish List
PRE-ORDER Add to Wish list Pre-Order Now FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH PLAY ARTS SHIN VINCENT VALENTINE £164.99 Vincent Valentine from FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH is coming out as the first line-up in our new high-end action figure series; PLAY ARTS SHIN ! Pre-Order Now Add to Wish List
PRE-ORDER Add to Wish list Pre-Order Now FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH PLAY ARTS KAI Action Figure - ELENA £149.99 Elena, the newest member of the Turks, Shinra Company's elite unit, joins the FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH PLAY ARTS KAI lineup! Her light golden brown short hair, eager eyes, fair skin, seamlessly fitted suit have all been recreated to bring her... Pre-Order Now Add to Wish List
PRE-ORDER Add to Wish list Pre-Order Now FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH PLAY ARTS KAI Action Figure - AERITH GAINSBOROUGH £149.99 From FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, Aerith Gainsborough comes back to the PLAY ARTS KAI line-up with newly sculpted head pieces! Pre-Order Now Add to Wish List
PRE-ORDER Add to Wish list Pre-Order Now FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH PLAY ARTS KAI Action Figure YUFFIE KISARAGI £149.99 Yuffie Kisaragi, a member of Wutai's elite corps of ninja operatives in FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, joins the PLAY ARTS KAI lineup with a brand-new look! Pre-Order Now Add to Wish List
PRE-ORDER Add to Wish list Pre-Order Now FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH PLAY ARTS KAI Action Figure - CLOUD STRIFE £149.99 Cloud Strife, the protagonist of FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, joins the PLAY ARTS KAI lineup with a new face part! Pre-Order Now Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart CRISIS CORE - FINAL FANTASY VII - REUNION PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE - ZACK FAIR SOLDIER 1ST CLASS £159.99 Zack Fair, the protagonist of CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION, returns to the PLAY ARTS KAI line in his SOLDIER 1st Class attire! + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE RUFUS SHINRA £119.99 Rufus, the son of President Shinra, from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE joins the fray as a PLAY ARTS KAI figure! A tall, slim silhouette, with a cold and ambitious glare – our designers faithfully recreated the refined details of the character based on his... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
SALE Add to Wish list + Add to Cart FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE - RUDE £129.99 £69.48 From FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, Rude, a member of the elite Shinra squad called the Turks, makes an appearance as a PLAY ARTS KAI figure! Our designers have painstakingly recreated all the fine details, including his martial artist physique, the texture... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
SALE Add to Wish list + Add to Cart FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE - ROCHE £129.99 £75.98 The motorcycle and speed-loving, rebellious 3-C SOLDIER operator, Roche from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE joins the PLAY ARTS KAI lineup! He makes his first appearance in the remake as Cloud’s new rival, with his distinctive hairstyle and belligerent... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
SALE Add to Wish list + Add to Cart FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE - TIFA LOCKHART EXOTIC DRESS VER. £139.99 £78.48 Tifa, from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, returns to the PLAY ARTS KAI line, this time in a dress a little more exotic than she’s used to! The owner of the Seventh Heaven bar goes through a total image makeover that includes a flower ornament in her hair and... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
SALE Add to Wish list + Add to Cart FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE - CLOUD STRIFE DRESS VER. £139.99 £94.48 Cloud, from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, joins the PLAY ARTS KAI Action Figure line, in his iconic dress! While retaining Cloud's fearless impression, the figure shows his stoic demeanor as Cloud adorns a hair ornament, makeup, and pigtails to complete his... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
SALE Add to Wish list + Add to Cart NIER REPLICANT VER.1.22474487139... PLAY ARTS KAI ACTION FIGURE KAINÉ £175.99 £80.98 From NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..., an upgraded version of the original game, NieR Replicant, which depicts the story of a brother and sister living in a deteriorating world in the distant future, the dual-wielding warrior Kainé joins the PLAY ARTS... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List