Add to Wish list + Add to Cart NIER MUSIC CONCERT & TALK LIVE BLU-RAY £34.99 This BluRay includes the recording of NieR’s first official concert “NIER MUSIC CONCERT & TALK LIVE” that was held in Japan on April 16, 2016. + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart NIER ORCHESTRA CONCERT 12018 £42.99 It's been 8 years since the release of NieR Gestalt/RepliCant. The long-awaited video release of the NieR Orchestra Concert 12018 is the first of its kind for this franchise. This release contains 21 songs performed at the concert, as well as the... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart EORZEAN SYMPHONY: FINAL FANTASY XIV ORCHESTRAL ALBUM (BLU-RAY DISC MUSIC) £42.99 Featuring songs from FINAL FANTASY XIV in full-orchestral arrangement! This album contains 18 songs from the FINAL FANTASY XIV ORCHESTRA CONCERT 2017 -Eorzean Symphony- orchestra concert! Enjoy special high quality footage that mixes video from the... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart SCIONS & SINNERS: FINAL FANTASY XIV ~ ARRANGEMENT ALBUM ~[BLU-RAY DISC MUSIC] £32.99 Presenting FINAL FANTASY XIV’s fourth arrangement album! The album features arrangements of 19 fan-favorite songs with Keiko performing the piano arrangements and THE PRIMALS rocking the band arrangements. The three “[EXTRA TRACKS - PIANO]” songs are... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart THE PRIMALS ZEPP TOUR 2018 TRIAL BY SHADOW [BLU-RAY] £38.99 THE PRIMALS is the official band of “FINAL FANTASY XIV” – an MMORPG with over 35,000,000 players world-wide. Their major debut album, THE PRIMALS, was released in May of 2018, and was followed by a live tour spanning four cities in Japan as well as... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart DEATH UNTO DAWN: FINAL FANTASY XIV ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK [BLU-RAY] £34.99 The music of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 5.x series is collected in this original soundtrack! After overcoming the Flood of Light on the First, our heroes confront a new “end.” The melodies of the adventures following the Shadowbringers expansion... + Add to Cart Add to Wish List
Add to Wish list + Add to Cart ENDWALKER: FINAL FANTASY XIV ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK [BLU-RAY] £34.99 Endwalker brings the tale of Hydaelyn and Zodiark to a conclusion eons in the making.Warrior of Light – Bear forth our hope, that these days not be the last! The soundtrack features 62 songs from the expansion, including the “Endwalker” theme song. + Add to Cart Add to Wish List